In March 2022, I wrote 6 months learning - building an audiogram tool, and almost two years later, after we just launched our new AI video maker on AppSumo, I think it’s time to reflect on some of the new learnings.


Making our first dollar

After a six-month pause in developing the audiogram tool, we resumed work around Sep 2022. Jupitrr was experiencing organic growth without active promotion, but we wanted to validate the market further. So, before investing in more features, we decided to launch Jupitrr's first subscription plan.

On November 18, 2022, Jupitrr earned its first dollar from a $6.99 Starter plan purchased by Emmanuel, our very first customer. It took us longer than expected, but looking back it was a significant milestone.

This wasn’t scaling up

After launching on Product Hunt and introducing the subscription plan, we recognized the potential in the audiogram tool market. It was a stable market with a good user base and revenue potential, with only a few competitors. While it was a promising micro-SaaS business, we aspired for more.

We didn’t get into startups for that. We wanted to build something exciting, innovative, genuinely valuable to millions.


Audiogram is easy to make, but no one wants to watch it.

The reason why our audiogram tool wasn’t scaling simply because audiograms weren't effectively converting in today's social media landscape. Users enjoyed using Jupitrr to create audiogram videos, sharing them on platforms like Instagram and Facebook. However, these videos didn't garner the views or likes compared to other content types. In an era dominated by visually engaging vertical videos, static audiograms with only subtitles and waveforms or extended monologues weren't capturing attention.

“I love Jupitrr, I love how easy it is to create videos. But it just not getting views on Instagram."

-Az Samad, Musician, content creator